Assalāmu ʿalaikum wa rahmatullah: peace be upon you and Allāh’s mercy.
We are pleased to inform you that our bank account has been cleared to receive foreign funds, and all praise is for Allah. We encourage you to donate towards our ongoing projects and charity drives. May Allah bless you! A great opportunity for Sadaqah Jāriyah. Donate to build the Da’wah of Ahlus-Sunnah with a focus on the English and Urdu-speaking community in Islamabad, the capital city of Pakistan.
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- Account Name: Al Ikhlaas Trust
- Bank: Meezan Bank
- Branch: GT Road, Morgah More, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
- Branch code: 0825
- Account no: 0103987805
- IBAN: PK07MEZN0008250103987805
- Registered Office: Al-Ikhlaas Trust, 1A, Bazar No. 4, Street No. 39, G 13-2, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Pop-in to Maktabah Salafiyyah, Islamabad, Pakistan
Our Services: In-store shopping: books (English, Urdu and Arabic), jilbābs, thawbs, organic honey, herbal teas―have a chat, ask questions or just browse the library. Safe and friendly atmosphere: families and ladies welcome.
Located: Maktabah Salafiyyah, 1A, Bazar No. 4, Street No. 39, G 13-2, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Salafi Bookstore, Birmingham, UK
Send your donation to the Salafi Bookstore, and they will pass it to Al-Ikhlaas Trust in Pakistan. Please make sure you add “Ikhlaas” as a reference to every donation intended for us. You can donate online at
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472 Coventry Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, B10 0UG
Tel: 0121 773 0033 / 0121 773 0003
Donate by bank transfer:
- Account name: Salafi Bookstore & Islamic Centre
- Reference or note: Ikhlaas
- Bank: Lloyds Bank
- Account Number: 00231260
- Sort Code: 30-93-09
- Branch: Erdington, Birmingham, UK.
- IBAN: GB14 LOYD 3093 0900 2312 60.
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